Friday 6 December 2013

Proud sister

I am  very proud of my younger sister who just aced her PSLE exams.She reminds me what hard work can achieve when one puts their mind to it.A year back she was having trouble with Mathematics and Setswana and i asked her to revisit her times table and be persistent in studying those two subjects.For someone that young i didn't think she would really follow through with the advice but  In the two weeks i was home,i was never given a day's break from tutoring her.In a way she reminds me of my persistent old self,when i always welcomed the challenge of a difficult subject with determination and worked my butt off to learn stuff till i got it.I was never a super smart kid,or the kid who understood the concept first,yah, i was the slow kid ,but i was hardworking and would eventually get there ,and today i realised i have one determined princess for a sister.She just inspired me to give my best shot at what i do.Despite Setswana being a language we learn first at school,and one we have great difficulty with in our initial stages, she aced the subject and worked her C in maths to an A.She thinks i'm  a genius,i think she is The Genius...# very proud sister :) #