Tuesday 10 June 2014

Thank you

So today i call my dad and he is the first person to call me Dr Wada,he is ecstatic and so am I. I can now finally answer the question,when are you coming home with a little certainty,thanks to all those who prayed for me,God saw me through,thanks to my friends who also happen to be my classmates and study buddies.. who pushed me to work when i didn't want to--Tsa Kalahi crew,i wouldn't be here without you,my house mate and now sister from another mother,Tshidi,you are such a blessing love,my mom-i cannot explain what you have been to me this years--you are my hero,my dad--dad thanks for believing in me when i didn't,Mbi--your prayers bro...my whole extended family--cousins--aunts--uncles--my best friend--who cannot be named here :) Mr S,wherever you are,thanks,ke leletse mo go wena ngwana wa batho.Mr Harrynaryn lol...the buff does work with extra tears boy,and yep that exam was a myomectomy screw