Thursday 3 September 2015

"My Heart Beat''

I haven't written poetry in ages,today I felt like writing this

my heart beat

when you chose me

You Hold my heart
steal its ease
its soft  flutter
feel now
the  pound it makes against my ribcage
waiting for the first break in


are you a rainbow after Katrina
A calming breeze
after the storm

see,I'm used to storms
and lightning
and deep thunderous sounds
unclear anticipation
just simply chaotic chaos charismatically taking me in
See,i have never done  whispers,sweet nothings
but i understand loud bangs,loud voices,words that break bones
blushes and blushes of  sorries,eye closing shadows of apologies
gone,gone,no goodbyes

yet you come,calm!
you come,calm
sure and steady
shaking the very core of my being
i'm waiting
waiting for the first explosion
the first fight
the first flight
things are never meant to be this good for this long
they don't always remain this good
so I'm counting

You make me veggie filled sandwiches
like you want me  to live for eternity
but i have had oil all my life,
aint used to packages filled with eternity
here, now,is my infinity
forever never comes whilst i'm still around
but you give me

Two try


You chose me every time

they say
Three is a crowd but whenever i'm with you
 i feel  im in the presence of God
because you carry yourself like a holy filled temple
Your loving soul sends shivers across my spine
so come be my crowd
cheer me loudly
as i master the art of being loved fearlessly
help me lose years of clingly,jealousy and doubt
Four thou art with me

as you calm my internal storms
and watch your horizon friendly heart,meet me half way