Friday 19 July 2013

I know------something i wrote from the sentiments expressed by different individuals on the Trayvon Martin case

I know,i know things i don't always think i know like
I know the alphabet begins with the letter A and the letter A is a symbol of  perfection  and
I know perfection doesnt exist in this world
I know good grades always hang around with the number  one like
I know coming  first doesn't always go hand in hand with having a great mind
I know some  people with great minds cant find where they store words like kind like
I know knowing about kind doesn't mean one  applies the word in real life scenarios like
I know people who preach the word day in and night dont always hear what they are saying
I know preachers don't  always listen to the conviction in their own voices that has the potential to  change the hearts of  great masses like
I know how  easy  it is to throw stones when one is in a mass because
I know we hide behind faces we don't always resonate with and
I know we show faces that don't always resonate with our inner self
I know falling tears don't always mean someone is sad and crying for you like
I know laughter doesn't always mean one is happy for you like
I know state representation is a basic necessity to have but not necessarily as good as representation that one can afford to have

I know its hard to see anything clearly that is dark in comparison to white when the light shining on events  of a dark past is marred with inconsistencies like
I know racism is not always black and white and
I know we are taught  black absorbs more heat than white like
I know whatever one receives can be multiplied and returned back to the giver
I know black sometimes gets tired  of absorbing more heat and gives back as  much   heat as it is heated with
 I know race sometimes is not the issue and somebody somewhere still makes it an issue
I know its easier to use race to hide  flaws sometimes like
I know  choosing to being color blind is an easy way out sometimes  when it comes to solving issues
I know being a female poet is associated with writing sexiest  poetry  but i know there are women who write poetry challenging  the mindsets of masses
I know being a black poet I shall encounter racial poems
I know racism still exist even though slavery ended years ago
I know sometimes my brother from another mother is  white and understands the longing when i cant write about the things i'm sick and tired of hearing about
I know i'm sick and tired of people  using the racial card every time an altercation exists between two men of color like
I know i'm  looking forward to the day when nothing can be pinned down to the color of one's skin
I know that day may never exist as long as we always look at ourselves through shades  of color
I know being African African doesn't give me the right to talk about African  American slavery and the trail it has left behind
I know someone somewhere thinks i don't understand
I know i don't understand
I know the media perpetuates issues and makes mountains out of molehills and molehills out of mountans
I know i will never truly understand what it means to live in an America where  a young lad  can't walk the streets without being scared
I know every argument has two sides
I know the honest side doesn't always win
I know sometimes no matter how many times we hear the truth we don't believe it
I know even when the truth is told we sometimes want to believe what we think we know and want the truth to be
I know justice can never be enough for any life lost
I know i still don't know how imprisoning a man compensates for someone else's  death
I know revenge is not always the answer
I know  fear like pain sometimes clouds our judgement
I know it is easier to understand our own feelings  than anybody else at any given time
I know there are thing we can never truly  understand
I know sometimes  giving  up a fight doesn't mean we are weak
I know sometimes it is a journey to  accepting  our losses
I know our human urge to want to revenge a pound of flesh for flesh should be left to the man above
I know a man's conscience supersedes any other court
I know i cannot always know everything but right now i am content with what i know
I know bended knees sometimes  heal wounds when the body has long stopped bleeding
I know broken things sometimes take years to mend
I know sometimes no matter how many times people try to hard to figure thinsg out they just never do
I know sometimes when i don't know,i  know its easier to get closure when I say oh well,  God knows why

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