Tuesday 5 November 2013

Our schools have turned into grounds of forgetting

Today,in a village there is a little girl struggling with a foreign word
Today in that village there is a teacher who punishes her for something still so alien
Today in a class,that teacher tells her she will never amount to anything
Today her self worth is crushed right before her eyes
Just because she cant let go of the very words she has heard since her cord was cut
Today in that class she will choose to believe it

Tell me again, why do we measure our worth through foreign standards
Do we have to cut our own roots to replace them with grafts so foreign
I have learnt that though grafts can sometimes work better than the original version
Sometimes nature knows the true worth of uncompensated things

Why have our schools turned into grounds of forgetting
We lose the true sense of who we are the moment we enter learning gates
and the very walls that are meant to nurture us fail us
Even Einstein said, everybody is a genius
as long as you let them perform within the boundaries of their comfort zone
let the fish swim,and birds fly
But you keep asking the fish to fly and the bird to swim
by caging us through standardized rules
is this the pursuit of true learning

Do we know the price we really  pay for this sort of education
Do we know how many phrases we replace our own languages with
 every-time we mould our lips to pronounce a new word in a foreign language
Its seems our hearts are garbage bags that hold native in
and foreign is a set of tea cups reserved for visitors

Do you know how dilute our accents turn  in pursuit of education
A culture can never find a permanent place to settle if its owners hold it in disregard
A global village is a beautiful thing
But even greater beauty to behold  is letting every man be comfortable at the  sound of the very click and clang of their clan

Did you ever ask if this was also our pursuit of happiness
To teach us how to read in a language we have to translate several times to get the meaning of
Even the joy of jokes is lost the third time a joke is  translated
We cannot even speak our own virgin  languages
I'm sure you understand somethings are also better off heard in the very language of your own people
But you keep asking us to adapt,Adapt to whom

Is loss of self a  price worth paying to learn

inspired by an article in one newspaper where someone was lamenting at how they were made fun of for speaking their own language in school.

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