Saturday 23 November 2013

What I have been up to

My naughty self has been quiet lately.I needed some time off  to work on a short story for another competition and I did finish this one on time.I wish I could share bits of it,but that wont happen till after the competition because entries should not have been published anywhere for them to be eligible for submission. I'm talking about the Common Wealth competition folks,I did enter.The previous winners are really outstanding writers and their skill is way out of this world.If you want to enter ,the entry rules can be found at the following link ,deadline is the 30th  of November.

On the other hand,I'm happy I did enter the Bessie Head Short Story  Competition,coming in second place was more than I had hoped for  considering I wrote the story within a short period of time. I was really excited when I heard the news.Its one of those things where you are kind of happy because you feel like your skill has been affirmed.Oh,by the way,publishers I can write lol. If you want me to write for you contact me hehehehe  To find out who won and what we won,you can visit this link . I'm hoping someday I will compete in the  novel category lol.I'm a lazy writer when it comes to developing a story but hey who knows what I might do if I set my mind to it.A few minutes ago,I was working on a little story for an African Princess,something similar to the Cinderella stories I read when I was young.I have two younger sisters and as I wrote about them I thought what if I wrote something they could relate to.I will post the story shortly on my blog. As for school,I'm a few weeks to doing surgery,trying to catch up.I did not like surgery before,but since last week I  have been in love with surgery,two surgeons were operating on a beating heart and I thought,wow that's awesome. Wish though,i could have learnt  my anatomy really well in first year,maybe being a surgeon would have been an option for me in the future,anyway its never too late to immense oneself in trying out for something right.

Last Week,we met up with Dr. Tebelelo Mazile Seretse Ambassador of the Republic of Botswana to the US and I was really inspired to be someone who fights  to achieve their dream just by listening to her talking about her success and failures.I will be writing about the encounter on The Seed Magazine.Its been a while since i wrote something there sadly. My dream is to be a caring doctor,with ample knowledge to do my job well,that's why i always cry when I do not know stuff i'm supposed to know lol. Im a big cry baby :) I want to be an internationally read fiction  writer, with a long list of books like Mme Mma Kubuitsile --I admire her :) You can check out her CV on her blog, It  is impressive especially in a country where publishing books is not that easy.I want to have written and published at-least a book every year till i'm 30 years old.I hope that happens.I hope next year i do well,so i could at least attend a writer's workshop to horn my skills and just be in the mist of more seasoned authors.I love No-Violet Bulawayo's style of writing,it resonates with my African-ness,if anything like that exists,and I hope I will be able to write something as profound as she is able to.One other thing I hope to do next year is attend Poetavango Festival,the artists there inspire me a lot,even though I have never met any of them in person,Thanks to Facebook and You Tube I get to view their videos.

Last but not least, I'm thankful to those who are never shy to tell me I write beautifully,its one more reason I continue to try to improve the skill,and from this day,I am going to try and punctuate well. I'm very bad at that :)

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