My Gratitude List-a few things im grateful for :)
1. I’m grateful I have a computer of my own, debt free so I can write this post.
2. I’m grateful I have the choice to choose my religion or God.
3. I’m grateful that I am in good health and i do what i want when i want with whomever i chose without any limitations and i have made good choices so far.
4. I’m grateful that I can pay my bills, i can pay my rent and i can blog in the safety of my place at 223am about what m grateful for.
5. I’m grateful that I am from a household that has encouraged me to develop my talents and i have had the freedom to choose my own path.
6. I’m grateful that I am from a household where reading was encouraged, because I think I owe a lot of my success to that.I am grateful that my dad and mom recognised my love to read at a young age and bought me a lot of my toys in the form of mind stimulating books and puzzles.
7. I’m grateful that my decisions and choices are trusted and respected.
8. I’m grateful that I can hear well and see well; well i use spectacles but im still grateful i can see.
9. I’m grateful for my health.
10. I’m grateful that all the injuries I’ve ever sustained in my life have been relatively minor, im grateful i have never had a life threatening accident or ever been extremely sick.
11. I’m grateful for my talents in school,and that i have always done well in all my major exams,and when i had to try again i succeeded.
12. I’m thankful that I am from a country where human rights are upheld-well most :).
13. I’m grateful that I have the ability to connect with a bunch of amazing people via services like Facebook and skype.I am grateful that even though i am shy and find it hard to make friends in real life i still have a few really great life long friends who came up to me and cracked the shyness away.
14. I’m grateful that I live in a relatively peaceful area,and all the violence i have heard of i have not encountered.
15. I’m grateful for my unlimited access to free clean water,within the boundary of my home.
16. I’m grateful for living in an air-conditioned home.
17. I’m grateful i have never had to go a day without food my entire life
18. I’m grateful for my family. They’re kind of crazy and a little annoying at times, but I love them because they are good supportive and genuinely caring people.
19. I’m grateful that I was raised right and am a generally good person at heart because of it.
20. I’m grateful for all the times i have come home tired because it shows i did something that day.
21. I’m grateful for my metabolic state,i dont exercise much or diet much but my BMI is still good,im grateful i have time to exercise if i want to.
22. I’m grateful for my ability to learn things and understand them.
23. I’m grateful that I live in a society where I am free to choose my occupation.
24. I’m grateful that I live in a society where I am free to choose who I associate with and who I end up marrying – or if I get married at all.
25. I’m grateful that if I got sick, my family would be able to afford the medications that I’d need to get better.
26. I’m grateful that I have a wonderful boyfriend whom i totally adore.
27. I’m grateful for the realization that I can choose to feel whole, with or without a boyfriend.
28. I’m grateful that there ARE good people in this world who genuinely care about the well being of others.
29. I’m grateful for all those cool “Ah-ha!” moments that have been so important to my personal growth over the years.
30. I’m grateful that I’ve made the right decision hundreds of times.
31. I’m grateful that I’ve made the wrong decision thousands of times, and learned from them.
32. I’m grateful that I can fail at many things and it won’t have any real lasting consequences.
33. I’m grateful that I got into UWI medical school and have managed to enter y final lap.
34. I’m grateful that, when I’ve been true to myself, I’ve succeeded; and that when I’ve not been true to myself, I’ve failed and i have learnt soo much about my strengths and weaknesses.
35. I’m grateful that vulnerability is actually a sign of strength, and that authenticity is celebrated.
36. I’m grateful that I’ve been able to write poetry,short stories and have had a positive audience.
37. I’m grateful that I know I’ll be able to make my dreams come true… It’s only a matter of ‘when’, not ‘if’.
38. I’m grateful that I have online sermons to listen to when im done anytime of the day.
39. I’m grateful that I’ve been around a lot of great influencers over the years… Without them, I wouldn’t be who I am today.
40. I’m grateful that I’ve learned to be okay with my own weakness.
41. I’m grateful that there are thousands of people who are trying to make a positive difference in the world – and are succeeding.
42. I’m grateful that I can choose whether to eat healthily and unhealthily and i have the discipline most of the time to do the right thing.
43. I’m grateful that I’ve been able to write this post undisturbed.
44. I’m grateful for my 25years i have been on this earth.
45. I’m grateful for all that the public education system has done for me, even though I sometimes secretly wish i could have attended a private school.
46. I’m grateful for the Internet – without it, I really don’t know where I’d be in my life. Honestly. It has influenced me more than anything else – in incredibly positive ways.
47. I’m grateful i have enough to survive.
48. I’m grateful that people I’ve never met can comment on my work.
49. I’m grateful for the opportunity to communicate and entertain people with my work .
50. I’m grateful for all the suffering I’ve gone through, since it’s made me appreciate everything so much more.
51. I’m grateful that my parents are alive.
52. I’m grateful that my parents are still married in this day and age when divorces are so rampant.
53. I’m grateful that I’m constantly learning that life is a lifelong process of learning.
54. I’m grateful that I have everything I need – food, clothes, shelter…and even a bit of luxury
55. I’m grateful that I’m living in the best period in the history of human existence – more people have a standard of living that simply blows away every other part of human history.
56. I’m grateful that I live in a capitalist economy, for all its faults and shortcomings.
57. I’m grateful that I have, for the most part, good habits.
58. I’m grateful that like-minded people can get together without anyone stopping them (at least, in this country).
59. I’m grateful that I’ve learned that I no longer have much to fear from life.
60. I’m grateful that I’m alive.
61. I’m grateful that I’ve been blessed with good genes, overall.
62. I’m grateful that I am who I am, and that I’m nobody else.
63. I’m grateful that there are people who care about me.
64. I’m grateful that I could start my own business today if I wanted to.
65. I’m grateful that people can tell when people are being honest and genuine (most of the time).
66. I’m grateful ti have friends i care about and who care about me.
67. I’m grateful that I have the time to just sit and meditate or think about things.
68. I’m grateful that I’m mentally healthy.
69. I’m grateful that I am not involved with drugs in any way.
70. I’m grateful that I can order nearly any good I want and have it delivered to my door within a couple weeks at the most, thanks to the Internet.
71. I am grateful for the 'buff' my lecturers give,it makes me work harder :)
72. I’m grateful for all the help I’ve gotten over the years – even when I haven’t asked for it.
73. I’m grateful that i have travelled to soo many countries in such a short span of time.
74. I’m grateful that I can listen to music while I work… Without needing musicians in the same room as me. Digital music is truly awesome.
75. I’m grateful that I have a nice house mate i get along with very well.
76.I am grateful happiness is a choice.
77. I’m grateful that many people are forgiving.
78. I’m grateful that I’ll be able to sit back and say, “Life is good,” when today’s over.
79. I’m grateful for death, since it makes life so much more meaningful.
80. I’m grateful that phones exist and i can talk to my loved ones even when im oceans away.
81. I’m grateful that I live in a country where people welcome foreigners and xenophobia does not exist.
82. I’m grateful that I am a thinker at heart.
83. I’m grateful for all the opportunities I’ve had so far in my life.
84. I’m grateful that I’ve always put in the hard work when I’ve had to.
85. I’m grateful that there are people whose talents humble me every day – it’s incentive to work harder.
86. I’m grateful that i am not a quitter no matter how hard things get.
87. I’m grateful that I have a good set of values.
88. I’m grateful that I don’t live in a religious household or one where dogma rules all.
89. I’m grateful that I have such a clear vision of what I want my life to look like when I get older.
90. I’m grateful that I’ll have the ability to be touched by so many people and, at the same time, touch so many other people’s lives.
91. I’m grateful that I have not had a major tragedy strike my family.
92. I’m grateful that most people around me actually want the best for me and want to see me succeed.
93. I’m grateful that I’ve been able to read so many books over the years.
94. I’m grateful that i chose a proffession im generally happy in.
95. I’m grateful that i have never been fearful that my world well be engulfed by World War III,and that though im from Africa,i have not experienced any of the stereotypes associated with my continent like war or blood diamonds.
96. I’m grateful for all the advances in modern medicine that have made life as we know it possible.
97. I’m grateful that its always raining here and still the sun shines through.I am not a big fan of cold weather.
98. I’m grateful that i have enjoyed my life so far.
99. I’m grateful that i have a grateful heart.