Tuesday 4 June 2013

Go thapa ka saka ya dinamuni--scrubbing with an orange sack

Just finished showering and somehow i didn't feel like I showered away the dirt  to my heart's content---I was using this modern day sponge stuff that comes with a shower gel and the like--and the little soft rock that is used  to scrub manga--free---feet---i have no idea why they invented it---nna my grandma would throw away that useless rock---we need a rock that will scrub the callous away---leave it so white and free of that old 50thebe coin crack that could store some dirt and hide a fifty pula note if you are really determined too--

I am still trying to figure out the use of the manga free rock--except that in my case it is a sentimental rock----its special you see,that's why i don't throw it away-----i got it as a surprise gift on one of my very first  visits  to snowy places  :) so it sits there like the Queen of rocks --on my dressing table and on days when i don't feel on top of the world---i see it and smile---because i'm reminded that someone does think about me ---anyway kana my intention is not to blog about matters of the heart----i was telling you about my not so clean feeling after showering--you see back in my day i didn't use this sponge stuff--that was for my working mother---we kids were content with the orange sack holder---it came in two colors --orange and green---and sometimes the sacs twisted to make a green and orange one long sac that could reach the meeting of one's waist with one's God given bum-

the long sac came in handy when you didn't have anyone to scrub your back.Especially if you had no one to shower with.I learnt of this use when i was i think 9 and my shower time with my much beloved bro was cut abruptly short.I was growing older you see--and when kids are of the opposite sex  one time they stop bathing together.I still cherish my bathing  moments with my bro though-they were always dramatic---if it was an afternoon bathe--he would run away at the moment he heard his name called  for him to come bathe --and my fatty boom boom  self at the time  would have to run after him --(mind you,he was a light weight  sprinter  who could hide in places we didn't even know existed)  ---and bring him to our then Aunty--who would make sure he was in the bath tub.

When we were unsupervised,our shower hour would last for hours until someone had to use the bathroom.Sometimes we accidentally tipped the foam bath container into full brim bath tub so we could play with the little bubbles and if we could not fake an accident we poured ourselves some and replaced it with water.This trick of diluting things  came in handy when the foam bath was still a bit full---once it had been used and diluted several times our mom would know that something fishy had happened--the foam bath would be so dilute you would just know someone had put water into it. Our mom ended up storing the foam bath in her bedroom  and denying us the childhood ability to explore science  on our own.Seriously --we learnt about the concept of concentration in our bathtub.

Anyway --i used to envy my mom so much for having privileges to have things like foam bath --and now i cant wait to have my own bambinos so i can deny them some of those privileges hehehe..and yah i do miss my bro---he is a grown up man now---but still my closest sibling --probably because i spent so much time with him than the other three bambinos-- :)  cant wait to go home and scrub myself with the orange sac --if you have never used one before --do not try it ---its for us--the hard core skinned village girls :)

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