Thursday 2 May 2013

what if some promiscuous people are really telling the truth when they get caught and say,they don't know what got into them

I'm starting to brainstorm THE novel,no clue what to write about,i seem to have a short attention span for one topic, always been the kind that gets bored too quickly,if you don't believe me,check how often i change my face-book profile pictures,or skype status updates...pretty much like a five year old seeing a new toy,best friend for a few hours and then thrown in the dump--- so instead of whining about my  so called ''flaws'',i'm going to use them as a weapon of mass creativity and do  a dear diary kind of thing, my inspiration stems from whatever i encounter on a daily basis,

 like last night i watched a video on bipolar disorder which ended up talking about  hyper-sexuality, defined by wiki as ''extremely frequent or suddenly increased sexual urges or sexual activity'' which and  is often a symptom of the manic phase of bipolar got me thinking,could some people who are  promiscuous be really telling the truth when they say,they don''t know what got into them.and why is it that some people cant manage a one on one relationship,that is being in  a monogamous relationship,whereas others marry  every year and seem to be completely okay with that.i mean seriouly i think 14 wives is crazy to handle,its like you have to keep an appointment reminder,saying, come once every  two weeks...

but i will never know how it really works-i'm too jealous to share -anyway lets reverse the sex and say 14 husbands,i wonder how that would work out,especially in a society where women do most of the household monday its like John,,leave your whites on the left side of the bedside and all your other dirty clothes on the right,especially those soccer socks...and John goes like mara why the hustle mami,just put them all in the washing machine--and you are like, no John-we have to wash the clothes separately-and John in his childlike innoncence says mara wai,that is racist-Nelson Mandela fought for the equality of black and white and you are encouraging this segregation of black and white,mami ,dont be backward like that---so imagine teaching this to all your 14 husbands-hard work i tell you (by the way i can't remember where i got  this racism joke )..or does the traditional role change if you are a wife who has married 14 husbands.

i mean every man will be trying to prove that he is the best for you,and we know competition brings the best outta monday,Luke,all the way from Egypt  brings you  lilies and John  sees that and buys you sunflowers-says you brighten his day like the sun,and Job decides he can beat that,with marigolds-after all you are more precious than gold,and Peter says man,are they all crazy,you  deserve forget me nots but then Paul thinks buttercup  suits you better, only to have Matthew say,you smell like lavender  ,you enjoy the flatter of daisies but then roses  do it for you,

and at the end some get jealous ,and the guys start gossiping about Mark,who bought the roses.They bad talk him when he is away and act all nice when he is around,they start making rude jokes about how he thinks he is all that,and you do realise hypersexuality or not this polygamous thing cant work for you.its unnatural just like it feels unnatural for John,and Luke and Peter to gossip about Mark,this guys are men and men don't gossip,do they ? 

.anyway you move on to serious issues like studying your bible, so you can find yourself and save your soul before it is too late --but somewhere while being ''hyper-religious'' another feature of bipolar - you ponder on this argument that some line of schoolars bring about to prove that Jesus was black..they say it could change the way we look at the bible--this one you don't write much about it in your dear diary--you just write what your mama would say,OUT devil,OUT ! I reject you--somethings just dont need many words,just rejection,

for instance who decides one is too immensely involved in religion-to classify them as hyper-religious,and how can we know for sure that  one has extremely frequent or suddenly increased sexual urges or sexual activity-most people are not honest about their sexual activities anyway .anyway  let me leave  that to rest and go  back to today's 169-25 bucket list item--writing a novel..which i just begun 

DAY  1
Donate clothes
You no longer use
Give away some  books you don’t use
Volunteer at a shelter
Write prisoners letters-I feel guilty about a letter from a prisoner who once wrote me and I never replied
DAY  5
Walk from Champ Fleurs to Trincity and back
Go  fishing
Go ice skating
Learn sign language
Learn to say “hello” in 50 languages.
Learn how toBelly Dance
Pay for someone’s lunch
Finish the  fiction in my online library
DAY 13
Start  a happiness project
DAY 14
Make a difference in at least one person’s life.
Write and publish a novel
DAY 16
Audition for makeup modelling
DAY 17
Gain a Readership of over 10000people by December 2013 for The SEED magazine
DAY 18
Uplift someone’s spirit
DAY 19
Graduate with distinction Jtough one
DAY 20
Get my blog to 10000views by Novemeber 3 2013
DAY 21
Create enough passive income so that you don’t have to work another day in your life.
DAY 22
Live on 25tt a day for  25days
DAY 23
 Get an ideal 4bedroomed home
DAY 24
Visit a mosque
Run a Marathon
Day 26
Learn how to apply eye liner, and eye shadow
Day 27
Try a new hair style
You have never done before
Day 28
Rehearse and recite poetry in  front of an audience
Day 29
Buy myself red roses and share them till I remain with one
Day 30
Watch the top 20 movies of all time

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