Tuesday 16 April 2013

10 things i know about My-self

1.I see myself as that girl who is always full of many dreams, and so full of dare that she believes she can do and achieve anything,even when she owns nothing,i see  failure as just another joke to poke at and laugh at.

2.I don't think i'm the most beautiful girl in the world,but i know there are days when i wake up and look in the mirror,and i just wow, i ask myself is that truly me,wow,Wada you are so beautiful...i even talk to God then,like seriously, i ask  God if he knows  there is a 161cm tall girl walking the face of the earth and feeling this pretty.yes i have knocking knees-they have made me cry sometimes,and laugh too.i have had them for 25 full years,but i only noticed them 3years ago--ohh im so blind--and that is literally true--i am near sighted,thank God for that---cause on most days-my knock knees don't bother me much-and i think of myself as beautiful.on those days,i know if God gave me a choice ,i wouldn't trade me for anybody else-i also like comfortable clothing but once in a while when no occasion avails itself,i dress up-put on my make up and make a show for myself,in my house :) and when the fashion bug really hits me,i go window shopping-and sometimes i pretend i want to buy a dress so i could experience the thrill of trying it on and seeing how i look--after that i look at the price tag and say oh well,go  home and read for that dress girl-it aint gonna buy itself.

3.Then there are days when i make fun of my flaws,like the fact that once in a while i'm  impulsive,like how i can spend hard earned cash  in the heat of the moment when love punches holes in my smart brain, those days,im soo happy we don't have relationships with our replicas,cause God knows  ''me and me'',would be the epitome of  broke household,broke broke broke! I also drink juice in a wine glass-i get drunk just experiencing that emotion--the upside is i will never get liver problems due to my placebo effect

4.sometimes i'm soo kind to the point where i pinch myself,are you in your right mind,even then i like my kind heart..but then there are days i can be so cold hearted to the point i want to vomit my- self.when this happens,i spend long days reflecting,asking myself where the kind me got lost

5.I love to cry,i cry during romantic movies,i cry when things go right this movies,i cry when things go wrong,and then i just enjoy that feeling you get when you have cried and cried and cried,then when i stop crying i get that feeling,you know the one where you feel ohh,my i really cried,good for me.

6.i love to host,i love having friends at my house,i love to cook for people,but i am terrible at returning calls.i feel more comfortable in my space,especially when i can just let my hair loose,and be myself.sometimes i get in trouble for this,cause friends think i don't care-i do-just in a way that you will never really understand

7.there was a time in my life i wanted to have 12 children -a complete foot ball team--well i figured i could have two of my own and adopt the rest---lately i'm not so sure-bambinos are cute-but i think i would make a terrible mother--my kids will probably get away with a lot of things,i don't know how to be angry at trouble makers-you make me angry-i get angry there and then-then turn around and continue with life like we never had a quarrel-i will even ask you to play a game-

8.Most of my friends are out going people.i am shy-well maybe not shy-i just like to watch people while i figure out in my head what kind of people they may be--great observation skill for my writing-my greatest hobby..and i am old fashioned too- every body i know owns a black berry-if my 3310 had not died on me im sure i would still be comfortable texting and rceiving calls with it,after all it used to self charge itself-now what more can a girl ask for

9.i love taking pictures-im a photoholic,poetoholic-smiloholic-huggy huggy person-my emails are recognizable by the smiley's at the end-even serious emails-sometimes i have to remind myself this is serious Wada,you cant put a smiley on that-then i erase my smiles--as for hugs-im a softie inside-toattly love hugs-sometimes people dont like to hug as much--so i hug blue bear-my teddy bear--now dont be suprised-im 25 and yes i d have a teddy bear--i didnt have a proper teddy bear when i was growing up--so a special friend brought me one last year :) its called making up for the things one never had

10.sometimes,i can raise a tangetial line of reasoning when engaged in a debate-i believe that open minds understand things better-and that majority isn't always right-its not that i am argumentative--i just like to hear how people respond when they are presented with a line of thought different from theirs


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