Friday 19 April 2013

My sister's heart

Today i put on a Christmas gift- a pair of earrings my 10 year old sister made.They are not perfect but they are perfect for me.She beaded together two different coloured beads instead of the same colour.When i noticed i brushed the thought aside and embraced the gesture and the love behind this gift.She hardly could afford anything  and we are not really a christmas gift exchanging family--so this was a pleasant suprise. My mom keeps a set of old jewellery,necklaces and earrings that have aged with time,the beads keep falling,and my 21 year old brother has a set of earring hoops he had started his enterprenuer  business to raise his favorite school breakfast money  for-he loves eating  pie and a can of soft juice and my mom supported it,after all she would be saving a good amount if he could succeed. P10-20 a day is a lot of money to save,especially if your son can raise it himself.So yah,i wore the earrings today and they looked really  fine.I was greatful so much for my sister who is so giving and loving and generous and many things i wish i could be.She kind of reminded me,sometimes the best gifts are not the ones that cost much,they are simply the ones that are given from a heart overflowing with love and kindness and no ulterior motives.I hope someday,when she is old enough and can navigate through blogs,she will know she touched my heart--one thing we don't do to,is be telly telly about our feelings--if you really loved something,or appreciated  something,sometimes all you do is smile-what i do for my little siblings is make them -sugary pop corn--they love it,and i hope when they grow up,they will always think of our young days as sweet :)

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