Tuesday 2 April 2013

Heart for Rent

this business of loving is complicated,angithi you lay your heart out for public display letting someone who feels big in a momentary impulse of auction decide he must procure it.he lifts his legs and chases after your skirt, and when his breath and your breath finally settle down, like the spinning dust he has aroused around you, confusing you,you give in,isn't that what everybody
,child of anybody and nobody does, uAgnes and uAngie did it,so why cant you DID IT too...they are the talk of town,the Dele and Riri of Azonto town.you forget how fast UAgnes and uAngie's urges and impulses died down,how soon they said nywee before they were 6feet deep..the soil my sister is not a picky pit..we will bury you but ahh,will you listen to me,a stupid village girl like me, who marvels at the time consciousness of city lights,who feels no shame walking on my pathataphata with a coke like circumference hole in the middle,scooping sand in between my callous toes ,no,no way,not as long as Mashawe is still flowing from the great zambezi,you fan away my words like a fly,annoyed,bothered that i dare even to advise you uNomsa, you offer it,your heart on a silver platter.and he tames it like one of this silly dogs that are good for nothing but staying inside the house,you grow fat, and shiny, and snorty, like a properly fed farm pig,and when you start to demand to much,you become ugly,to him,to his friends who a yes buti to everything he says,he begins to find your nose to snorty and he annihilates you..butchering you,your soul,your insides,getting to the core of your heart till you are thrown to the dogs,the watch dogs,the ones they kill in this so called first world countries because they kill people,terrible dogs uNomsa,have no respect for the madams and the sirs, uNomsa,he drags your heart in a pool of mud,till in the end you cant remember if it was last in sepetemba when you owned a heart,you ask yourself,you ask me, a stupid village girl like me, if in the first place you owned a heart,if you rented it,like those avis cars in air-pot parking lots, always waiting for a tourist to take them for a ride,and so you go too,on a long long drive,and i remain here with my setupidiness,humming my setupidi fly buzz song...we found love in a heartless place and amanje we are rolling child of my mother.......in the deep@Wada Goitsemang

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