Tuesday 2 April 2013

how much superman strength it takes to wake up sun tanning eyelids

my sister once told me,'it is hard to rekindle dying flames''
didn' t know how much superman strength it takes to wake up sun tanning eyelids 
we have grown accustomed to wearing sunglasses even in the dark 
we no longer see the contour of our tears below the darkness
we count our hurts like nuns counting beads on rosaries
one by one,carefully studying the corners of every mistake
we sleep our hurts into dreams of terror
hoping when we wake up we wont wear our hurt around our necklines like Jesus's body crucified,we wont keep them closer to the beating rhythm of our bleeding hearts
there is no comfort in this ship,there is no comfort
to walk into a room that reminds you of nights
when you were buried in deep covers
to walk into a room that reminds you
it hurts to love you,it hurts to hear your fading footsteps catch up
to blurring memories
it hurts to pretend in front of company
like it hurts to put away the shades even in glowing moon and dimming sun
you leave snapshots of how we used to wink so hard,we winked till the flutter of our eyelids woke up the flutter of our butterflies
we winked till our eyes sparked fireworks,there is no room in this mansion for the both of us,there is no room warm enough,for the first time...i haven't said an honest word yet,i want to bend to your every demand,i want to flow into every crack but i never knew how to plead with gravity to hold up crushing walls,we cant even hold up each other's spines,not in this blindness,The first day i open my mouth to ask you what you see,i feel the room choking away my kindness,i try so hard,but the hurts we have inscribed have buried us in ruins of anger,our hearts give up,at the exact same time and we know we can rape the warmth out of cooling coals but the heat we cant make up! the heat..... we cant.Make up
@Lo-Blogs aka Wada Lodger Goitsemang ---its unfortunate my poems are always about love :) apology to the love poem haters

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